
Q: What is the Hospital phone number ?

A: Hospital Phone Numbers
Main Numbers:
034251066 - 034238430 - 034038431
Mobile: 01277779254 - 01280577779 - 01002153119

Q: What is Madina Clinics Phone number?

A: Madina Clinic Phone Numbers
Main Numbers:
034230964 - 034230962 - 034203961
Mobile: 01016619218 - 01200363435

Q: what is Madina women Hospital Address?

A: 290 St., Building number 25​ Smouha,Alexandria

Q: What is Madina clinics Address?

A: 40 Tout ankh amon With Fawzy Moaz ,Smouha,Alexandria

Q: What are the suites types ?

A: Suites: Imperial suite , Royal Suite1, Royal Suite2 ,Presidential suite

Q: What are the rooms types?

A:Special Premier Room VIP,Premier First class Room VIP,Premier Room(Singular)VIP
,Special Premier Room,Premier First Class,premier room (Singular) ,Second Class and One Day,

Q: What are Madina departments?

A:NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Intensice care Unit, Travel & Cure Program,Emergency Room,Madina labs,Operation Rooms,MBC Madina Bariatric Center- IFSO accredited, ,Pharmacy,Outpatient Clinics, ICSI Center

Q: What about ICSI Center?

A:ICSI center in Madina women hospital is the first specialized fertility center in Alexandria equipped with Modern clean room lab with the capsule system to create the best environment for the growth of embryos ensuring highest success rates of fertilization & pregnancy.

Q: What are the specialities of Madina clinics?

A:Plastic Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Gynecology Clinic, women scan 3D- 4D, General Surgery,E.N.T, breast surgery, Psychiatry clinic, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Cardiology Clinic, Vascular clinic, Colorectal Surgery, Radiology

Maxillo facial Clinic,Uro-Surgery Clinic,Anesthesia Clinic,Intervention Radiology
,Internal Medicine,Pediatric Clinics,Dermatology Clinic,Nutrition Clinic,Ophthalmology Clinic,


